Out With The Old ...

I was in serious spring cleaning mode last night; sorting clothes, vacuuming, dusting and finally tossing those stacks of fashion mags that, no matter how overpriced, I really just wont read again. And, in the spirit of my feng shui attack, I got to thinking: What about makeup? When should we clean beauty house and toss old (although, yes, loved) foundations and mascaras? According to Peter Pugliese, M.D., a skin physiologist quoted in Fitness Magazine, here are the guidelines for retiring those pretty products ...
  • Eye and lip pencils: 3-4 years.
  • Foundation: 1 year.
  • Cleansers, moisturizers: 6 months. (Most contain fatty acids, which spoil quickly.)
  • Mascara: 3 months.
  • Powders, concealers, glosses: 1-2 years.
  • Multi-use products (ex: 3-in-1 sticks): 6 months. (Germs love these, since they touch multiple skin areas.)


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