Barielle Summer 2010 Collection: High Steppin' ~ Part II

Barielle's Summer 2010 Collection, High Steppin' is a six piece set of disco-inspired shades. Below are the last 3, and you can find my post showing the first 3 just below this one. First up is Freestyle, described as a cool metallic mint with silver glitter.

Above & Below: This is a lighter shade of mint green with a finish that is somewhat frost, somewhat metallic. The small silver glitter is plentiful in this shade and adds a nice touch of glamour. I used 3 coats in these photos.
Below: Passion Pirouette is a grape metallic purple with a bit of a foil finish. This covered very nicely in 2 coats and yes, there are some brush strokes due to the metallic finish, but it's a very pretty polish regardless. You can see a bit of silver veining in the bottle, and translate that to the nail, and you get a delicate veil of silver over the purple.
Below: Belly Dance, is a nude taupe with shimmer that is subtle, yet noticeable. I'm starting to get quite a collection of taupes and the closest one I have to this in finish and color, is probably Maybelline Opti-Mist-Ic, which is a bit lighter in hue than Belly Dance.
In my opinion, the favorite among the six is definitely going to be one I showed you in Part I, Electric Boogie. They're all nice shades and the formula was very good on all of them, but I wasn't really 'wowed' by any, other than Electric Boogie. I love the shimmer in Belly Dance and I like the tone of this taupe. Passion Pirouette is a very pretty shade, and as I mentioned above, the color seems to have a slight silver cast over the top, especially in darker lighting. It reminds me of grapes in the Fall with a coating of frost over them. Freestyle should be popular simply because it's a mint shade, but the finish is not one of my favorites, although the silver glitter is definitely a nice touch. The color range of this collection is such that all of the shades can be used during every season--not just Summer, which makes them appealing as well. What do you think of this collection? Do you see any shades that you love?
*Products featured were furnished by the manufacturer or PR firm for review.


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