Tears and fire

I woke up today and within 5 minutes I was crying. The day started awful...continued awful and remains awful to this very hour.
I was amazed to find this picture and I will tell you why. Every other week, thanks to my very generous and wonderful aunt and uncle, someone comes to clean the house. Normally I leave and get out of the way, but today I didn't. My knees hurt, my feet were burning, I was tired and there was stuff to do on the computer....also I had been crying for several hours by then and that just is not a good look.

Well, after knocking stuff off the wall in the hallway, leaving several area rugs in a pile on the floor in my bedroom, and not dusting anything within 10ft of the computer and the desk it sits on.....the girls left.

Then there was this smell....like burned meat....since I am long past offering burnt sacrifices in my house I was curious as to the smell. I turned around and something in the kitchen was...well...on fire. I hobbled to the sink, soaked a towel in water and threw it over the burning bag of potatoes set off by the indoor grill which was turned ON by one of the cleaning gals just before she left.
I am not quite sure what this gal had for breakfast before she showed up, or if it was Mojito Monday, but she coulda burned my house down and that would have officially made it a bad day.


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