Pleural Effusion

A few years ago I developed Pleural Effusion. There is a pleural cavity right outside your lung and it can sometimes fill with fluid.
When I had it the first time the Dr. had my lung "tapped" and took out a litre of fluid. Since then it has not returned. Until now.

The fluid is back per 3 x-rays ago. The first x-ray showed a small increase. The second and third showed no increase, but here is where the fun begins. Now when I breathe it sounds like carbonation. Little fizzy sounds. Are you grossed out yet? I am.
Life and symptoms have not gone well with this latest round of medicine. The good news is however, that my estrogen level went down 3 points. For most woman and their husbands, this is a bad thing....but for us breast cancer gals it is good news. We just have to buy a little extra chap stick.


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