1 Out Of 3: Why My Husband Shouldn't Pick My Swatches!

Above & Below: OPI's Nutcracker Sweet is the one shade I loved that my husband chose for me to swatch. He didn't do so well with his other 2 choices! It's a taupe shimmer with a pink and copper flash. Interestingly, when I removed this shade, the colors on the cotton ball were what looked like a dark taupe creme and a bright copper foil.
Below: Gargantuan Green Grape is a light Lime green shade, but it's a bit too yellow-toned for me. That, combined with having to use 3-4 coats and the thick formula this one had, make it less than desireable for me. You can see what I mean about the thickness if you look at the mess on the tip of my ring finger.
Below: My husband not only chose these shades, he also chose the prop. Clearly, he need help!
Below: Coney Island Cotton Candy had a very thin formula, although I do like the subtle look of this shade. Look at all of those bubbles in the bottle...maybe that's why it was 75% off?
Last night I was swatching some of my new American Apparel polishes I showed you yesterday, when my husband walked in and wondered why I wasn't using something off of my untried shelf first, so I'd have room to add the AA polishes. He seems to think that's how it works! I asked him which ones he would choose, so he picked out 3 OPI's I've had for a while. Yesterday, China Glaze posted a Tweet asking how our significant others felt about our nail polish habit, so that, tied in with my husband interfering in my swatching, gave me the idea for this post!

Mike chose 2 shades that I picked up this summer at our local Regis salon, Gargantuan Green Grape and Coney Island Cotton Candy, for 75% off. Neither one are my favorite shades, but for 75% off, I couldn't pass them up. After using them, they're still far from my favorites, mainly because of the streaking and the formula. GGG is a more yellow-toned light Lime green shade, and the formula was quite thick, as you can see in the photos. My husband really liked it though, once I had it on, but he wasn't the one fighting with the formula! Coney Island Cotton Candy had the opposite formula: thin and runny. No matter how hard I tried to use a minimal amount on the brush, I still ended up with a lot of pooling at the cuticle. It's a very simple shade, but I do like the color.

The third shade he chose was definitely more my style. Nutcracker Sweet was included in one of my swaps from the lovely Helen, of Helen & Sheenie's Nice Things blog. I had commented on her post about it, and she knew how much I liked it on her, so she sent it to me. How kind of her was that? This shade is a moderate duo chrome with a taupe shimmer base and pink with copper duo chrome flash. I used 2 coats on this, but I think 3 would have been a better idea. No matter, I love this one, and thank you Helen, for sending it my way.

My husband is actually very supportive of my nail polish habit, which gives us one less thing to argue about! He picks up polishes every now and then for me, tells me what he likes and doesn't like, and builds more shelves when I start running out of room. He never says anything about the amount of polishes or makeup I have, even though they seem to multiply weekly. But I do think he should stick to his construction work and leave the swatch color picking to me! How does your significant other react to your habit?


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